Monday, January 02, 2006

Sri Lanka Part 5

I would love to write a bit about Alex's first homosexual experience (we both had traditional, all over body massages and let's just say that the fella who looked after Alex left no stones unturned) and about our playing Tin-Tin in the most incredible Ancient Kingdom ruins that I have EVER seen... but alas this cafe is even slower than the one in Kandy so I think I will leave it for another day.

We are back in Hikkaduwa on the coast and people have been running up and down this evening talking about a quake in Africa and how it might lead to another Tsunami here. I've just checked things out and there is NO way that we are going to be hit by anything tonight. The quake was a million miles from anywhere AND was horizontal (whatever that means) which means we can sleep easy. This place is full of jitters though... understandably.

Over and out mum! Ha ha.


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